Chairman Message
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"Watch your thoughts they become your words Watch your words they become your actions Watch your actions they become your habits Watch your habits they become your character Watch your character it becomes your destiny"
Chairman’s Desk

Let me say a few words about what Integral education is all about: Integral education focuses on development of the faculties and development of qualities which form the back-bone of all meaningful learning. Language, music, arts, crafts, dance, theatre, scientific exploration, games and sports are a part of the curriculum. The „learning by rote‟ method is replaced by interesting activities and absorbing projects that greatly stimulate the interest of the child and evoke deeper response from him.

Integral education aims to address the physical, emotional and mental aspects of the individual and help a child to understand her/himself from within. It focuses on developing key faculties (abilities and talents) so that a child grows up with not just information and training, but becomes a total individual who goes into a life long journey of evolution and growth. The focus and emphasis shifts in this type of education from information acquisition to self-development in its essence.

While other schools show their strength by putting floors after floors in whatever available areas, we, at Mirambika, demolish buildings to give our children more and more free spaces. We strive hard to provide the serene ambience, which helps the child to become calm and focussed. The child grows amidst trees and flowers, friends and fun and joy, creating spaces of self-esteem in their hearts.

In the coming year, we intend to develop special Children Corners, resplendent with interesting activities. The aim is to make learning a new experience, a joy. Our vision is to make the Mirambikans, the Hero Warriors, conscious of our cultural and spiritual strengths, by inducing in them, an inner force that helps them to have self-confidence and to develop strong determination fulfilling their inner potential.

Wishing you all the very best,

Dr. Ajit Sabnis,

Chairman, MSFNA