Integral values

The aim of education is not only to prepare a child to succeed in life, but also to mould them into a well groomed personality and a citizen caring for the welfare of the society. A holistic education must have five principal aspects corresponding to physical, vital, mental, psychic and spiritual. Integral education also aims at training the students to realize their unique potential and responsibilities to develop a strong civic spirit and become a genuine individual.

We adopt the principles of integral education as follows:
  • As the curiosity in a child is the gift of nature, it should never be suppressed; rather it should be encouraged by allowing the students to interact freely with the teachers and fellow mates. The academicians are being more instrumental in fostering the creative learning and innovative teaching. MSFNA is trying its best to incorporate the integral education practice through different approaches within the framework of CBSE.
  • The teacher observes the children basically in 3 types of temperament. They are intellectual, emotional and materialistic temperament. In doing so, the child’s mind is consulted in its growth.
  • We, at MSFNA, are imparting quality and value and activity based education to the students that integrates the cognitive and creative aspects of the personality of children and mould them to become compassionate, competent, courageous and diligent. MSFNA is an abode of learning, which strives continuously for overall development of children.

It is our vision to make learning more interesting for students. India’s greatest asset in a competitive global economy is its young people who will acquire professional competence as part of the Indian system of education. We would like to widen this to reach out and bring in more learners into this fold.